Are dragon trees endangered? If so, why is that?

  For the time being, we have become no strangers to humanity endangering the life of different species, whether plant or animal, and unfortunately, it is an ordinary fact. We have always put our needs above everyone else’s, and the dragon trees are one of the many plant species that became endangered because of this.

What are the reasons behind dragon’s tree endangerment?

  The number of dragon trees is dropping rapidly every year and there is no doubt that humans are at fault.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN Red List), which is the world’s most comprehensive global conservation group that deals with research and practical conservation plants towards species that are under threat. The IUCN Red List has classified dragon trees as being a Vulnerable (VU) species, which means that dragon trees are not yet endangered, but are very likely to become endangered unless the circumstances surrounding the threats to its existence improve significantly and rapidly.

Therefore, dragon trees are considered to be at precarious extinction in the wild habitat.

  Beyond the shadow of a doubt, climate change plays an important role in these threats towards the dragon trees and their natural environment. The climate is getting dryer every year, shortening the periods in which the clouds are mist and have a low elevation. The slow disappearance of these periods is directly affecting the flourishing of the dragon trees found in the wild.

  In spite of that, the dragon tree plants are still highly cultivated, and sadly, this brings us to the second reason for its close endangerment, which is boosting the countdown toward these plants’ extinction.

As we discussed in a different article, dragon trees have a very slow growth rate, which in combination with the wide cultivation of the plant, results in a swift decrease in the number of dragon trees number. After the plant’s cultivation, they are usually potted and used as an indoor decoration or used in landscaping.

  Other threats surrounding the vulnerable state of the dragon tree are the loss of their natural environment to farms or ranches.

How can we avoid and stop any further endangerment?

  I am bringing these solutions forward because it is a known fact that without sufficient public interest, these will easily go undiscovered, resulting in no change towards the species that are in danger. 

  Therefore, the first thing first is to learn about vulnerable or endangered species in your area, animals and plants. Learning and teaching your friends and family about how important endangered species are, is crucial. You can learn about these species through the internet or by joining an activist community.

  Another thing would be to visit an open space such as a wildlife refuge park or a botanic park. This way, you may ask questions and learn about what you can do from scientists themselves. You can also get involved in volunteering.

  Make your home wildlife-friendly. Always make sure to recycle properly, secure your garbage bags and buy sustainable items. Keep your pets indoors at night to avoid wild animals entering your home when your pets do too.

You can make your house more wildlife supportive by reducing your water usage, both inside and outside the house. By doing so, the fauna around the spillage will have a better chance of survival. The placement of decals on your windows will definitely save a bird’s life. Sadly, every year, millions of birds die because they collide with windows.

Slow down when you are driving. Many roads have been built in areas populated by wildlife, these being a deadly obstacle for it.

Do not harass wildlife. Any act of violence towards endangered species is strictly illegal, it can also push them forward towards extinction. 

Nonetheless, protect wildlife environments.