What soil do dragon trees like? Types of soil best suited for dragon trees

  When thinking of plants for beginners, the dragon trees, scientifically known as Dracaena draco should be at the top of your list. This plantlet can greatly endure a lack of care or attention. However, if you want your dragon tree to always be in its best shape, as it is a decorative plantlet, there are precise conditions that have to be met in order for your plant to do so.

  Later in the article, we will talk about the type of soil dragon trees like the most, that most likely being the reason you are reading this article. We will also discuss what other requirements this plantlet has in order for it to thrive. Without any further ado, we shall answer our question, what soil do dragon trees like?

So, what soil do dragon trees like?

  The Dragon tree is a gorgeous decorative plant. However, if its needs are not satisfied, it will not be a healthy plant and that will show quite quickly. 

  One way to keep your plant healthy and help it develop properly is by planting it in a good soil mix that is specially designed around the requirements your type of plant has. As expected, besides the mix of soil used, the type of sunlight your dragon tree is exposed to, alongside feeding your plant with nutritive foods that are designed for it does have a major impact on the development of your plantlet, which we discussed in more detail in another article.

When it comes to soils for example, when it comes to dragon plants, the soil used needs to have a well-drained potting mix. If you plant your dragon tree in soil that does not have a mix for drainage, your plantlet might develop mold, and most of the time it will heavily affect your plant.
The answer to the question is loamy soil with peat moss. If this soil is used, your dragon tree will definitely thrive. Loam soils are designed and made with a general balance rule, in which the final product of the soil should consist of equal parts of the three main categories of soil, which are clay soil, sand and slit. The loamy soil amended with peat moss is the perfect soil for potted dragon trees, its drainage mix is perfect for avoiding overwatering your plant and mold while keeping it a little bit moist as well.

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