What kind of trees do orchids grow on? Top 4 types with explanation

  Recently, we discussed in another article about Orchidaceae plantlets that they can grow and survive without any soil and orchids can grow and survive in containers of water. In the same article, we mentioned that orchids, by their nature, are tropical air plants, also scientifically known as epiphytes, plants that can grow on other plants. On the account of this fact, we can already tell that orchids can grow on trees as well, usually, they germinate on the tree branches and are taking advantage of their host. These flowering plants are receiving nutrients from their hosts, such as nitrogen, minerals and even water. However, orchids are not considered to be parasites, they get their supplies from the decaying matter that washes down the host.

On a rather symbolist matter, the relationship between the host tree and the Orchidaceae plantlet is one from which only one party benefits and the other one is unaffected. Therefore, the relationship between them is not a mutual one. The type of relationship they experience is scientifically known as commensalism. Owning on the fact that we have a vague idea regarding these flowering plantlets surviving and developing on the surface of the trees, we shall move on to our question, what kind of trees do orchids grow on?

So, what kind of trees do orchids grow on?

  We have already established that orchids can survive on trees, but what kind of trees? Well, since we know that orchids are not parasite plants, and they do not actually penetrate and feed on their host, we have to look after trees that have no issues with adequate light, trees that have a good groovy texture, or trees that do not have peeling bark or trees that produce sap. 

  These flowering plantlets do not like direct sunlight, exposure to it will heavily damage them with sunburns. Therefore, the placement and the type of the tree that will host the orchid is supposed to support adequate sunlight, that way the orchid will be safe. Trees that would be a great fit for orchids are Oaks, Citrus, Palm trees, and Bottlebrush trees. 

  And now, trees that have to be totally avoided in case you wish to grow your orchid on a tree are Olive trees ( Olive trees have to be avoided because they produce lots of sap), Gumbo Limbo trees ( Gumbo Limbo trees have to be avoided due to their peeling bark), Pine trees ( Pine trees have a soft texture, therefore, in time they will fall apart, leaving your orchid without a “home”, avoidance is highly encouraged ), other soft texture trees such as Redwood, Larch, Cypresses, and Douglas-fir.

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