What is the snake plant good for? Things to consider when getting a snake plant.

  When you are considering getting a snake plant indoors, you might want to base your decision on some things other than looks too. Dracaena trifasciata, by its scientific name, has some special qualities that always keep it at the top of the list when it comes to picking new plantlets for your home.

  In this article, we will discuss the most important reason for which you should get a snake plant, but also mention a crucial, negative fact to consider when getting this succulent. 

  Therefore, without any further ado, what is the snake plant good for?

So, what is the snake plant good for?

  One of the most important benefits of keeping a snake plant is its special quality of improvement of human health. The snake plants are very well known for their air filtering abilities.

  While other plants filter indoor air during the daytime, the snake plant does it both during the day and night. This succulent is one of a kind due to its unique ability to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into oxygen (O2) during nighttime. This particular quality makes the snake plant the perfect plantlet to keep in the household, especially in the bedroom.

  Usually, plants only convert CO2 into O2 during the day through photosynthesis, which is the process used by green plants and multiple other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy. During the photosynthesis process, the light energy is used to convert minerals, CO2 and water into O2. At night, these plantlets release CO2, which is not good for sleeping, therefore, they should not be placed in bedrooms.

  The snake plant uses the photosynthesis process during the day, releasing oxygen, and during the night, they use this unique quality. Therefore, as mentioned earlier, it is a perfect plantlet for bedrooms.

  A second reason for which you should get a snake plant would be its gorgeous, stylish aesthetics. Snake plants make amazing decorative plants, they have long green leaves that come along with a beautiful pattern that gives the impression of a snake.

Adding to our list of good things is its strength of resistance and tolerance to negligence. On account of this, the snake plant is considered to be one of the perfect plantlets that are a great fit for inexperienced people and beginners. Therefore, if you are just starting your journey in plant caring, the snake plant should be one of the plants to start from.

What is the snake plant not good for?

  Even though this article is about what the snake plant is good for, I have to be persistent and mention that this plantlet is not good for cats. The snake plant has some amazing and unique qualities, but it can also be added to the long list of plantlets that are not good around cats.

  Unfortunately, the snake plants contain some chemical compounds that are named saponins, which are bad for your little feline, causing feline nausea, diarrhea and even vomiting if consumed. Therefore, please be mindful and do not get a snake plant if you have a cat, in fact, I highly encourage you to research what other plants are toxic for cats and be considering this issue when looking to add a new plant to your household.

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