Does the moon cactus grow in soil? Also, does it grow flowers?

  The moon cactus is a species of succulents that is coming from South America. This cute little succulent is a man-made creation, a mutant between Gymnocalycium mihanovichii and the Hylocereus plant. Moon cactuses can come in different vibrant and beautiful colours such as red, orange, hot pink and bright yellow. Commonly, these gorgeous succulents are used as gifts and they look really good in any home.

Considered easy to take care of, the moon cactus is fitting for busy people or beginners. However, even with good care, the moon cactus does not usually live very long. Gymnocalycium mihanovichii and Hylocereus are two of the scientific names used for the moon cactus which is its commonly spread name. Further in this article we will discuss the plant itself and answer the two questions. Hence, without further ado, does the moon cactus grow in soil, and most importantly does it grow flowers?

So, does the moon cactus grow in soil?

  As usual, I will jump straight to the answer. Yes! Just like any other plant, the moon cactus can grow in soil. However, there are only so many types of soils that would allow the moon cactus to grow properly and experience a well-lasting life. Therefore, if you are interested in potting a moon cactus it is highly important to use a mix of soil, you can add perlite or coarse sand to the soil. By adding these types of sand to the soil, the drainage would be highly improved.

Without a proper soil mix to plant your moon cactus in, the water would not drain properly, negatively resulting in overwatering and ultimately causing the roots to become rotten or unsound. Alongside the soil mixture, a porous clay pot with drainage holes is essential to furthermore help avoid overwatering situations and ensure your plants’ long-lasting life. 

How to water the moon cactus?

  As a method of watering my moon cactus, I use the soak and dry method. In my experience with these little succulents, because they have thicker leaves, they do not require as much water. Therefore, we shall go into more detail regarding this watering method.

Just a friendly warning, for this method your moon cactus requires a pot with draining holes!

The first thing first is to pick up your little moon cactus and give it a run under the water, to soak it properly. Leave the succulent to drain before trying to move it around. Once your plant drains the excess water put it back in its usual spot, make sure to check when the soil is dry again and since then, give it another 6 days until the next watering. This way, you will be certain to avoid getting its roots rotten, which is very important because once the roots rot, it will be almost impossible to save your moon cactus.

Moon cactus and its size growth

  When discussing the size growth of the moon cactus, it can vary based on the environment it is placed in and most importantly, the care it receives, especially how it is watered. Offering your moon cactus a lot of water could result in increased growth, but also in the risk of overwatering and root rot.

Giving your plant the right conditions to survive will ensure its growth. Usually, moon cactuses grow only up to 4 inches (10 cm). However, cultivators are taking extremely good care of them, giving them lots of attention. Akin to that, they manage to expand their growth up to 8 inches (20 cm), which is double a moon cactus’ usual size.

Does it grow flowers?

 So, what about flowers? Is the moon cactus growing flowers, if so, is there something that can be done to ensure its bloom? 

 The moon cactus does grow flowers! This succulent, with proper care and attention, when it is satisfied, it will grow tiny flowers between the late spring and early summer. The flowers’ colour will vary, they can either be red or pink, and they grow on top of the moon cactus. However, most of the time, if your moon cactus is kept indoors, it might not grow flowers.

To expand your chances of having your moon cactus successfully boom you must do the following things:

  1. Place your moon cactus in a warm environment, but do not place it in direct sunlight. These succulents prefer partial sunlight.
  1. Fertilize your moon cactus in the late spring and early summer as well. Make sure to not overfeed your cactus, overfeeding it will not ensure flowering. Use a fertilizer that is very diluted with water that contains high levels of potassium and low levels of nitrogen or buy a fertilizer that is specific for cactuses from the flower shop.
  1. Even though moon cactuses are plants that generally develop and grow in rocky and low fertility terrains that are usually inhospitable. Moon cactuses do need to be repoted. Therefore, make sure to repot it every 3 years.

To highly increase the chances of blooming a moon cactus, you can keep your little succulent outdoors, in filtered sunlight.

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