Does the lucky bamboo need sunlight? Correctly caring for the lucky bamboo

  Scientifically known as Dracaena sanderiana, and commonly known as the lucky bamboo, this plant is a flowering plantlet that, most of the time, confuses its owners with its identity. The lucky bamboo is often confused as being a bamboo, when, in reality, it is not a bamboo at all, it is a flowering plant. 

  This plantlet successfully gives the impression of bamboo with its stunning aesthetics that are very similar to bamboo. On account of this, the lucky bamboo makes an amazing decorative plant, its sculptural abilities are unique and offer this plantlet the chance to give a stylish statement, with its eye-catching shapes, swirls or even braided stalks, wherever it is decided to be placed. 

  The lucky bamboo is most of the time one of the best choices for people that are looking to get a sophisticated plant that does not need attention or special care or inexperienced people that do not know how to properly care for a fancy, needy plantlet. It is extremely easy to take care of lucky bamboo, that being the reason for which we will classify this plant as being one for beginners. 

  That being said, we shall go back to our question, does the lucky bamboo need sunlight?

So, does the lucky bamboo need sunlight?

  As usual, we will answer the question early in the article. Yes! It is a known fact that every plantlet needs sunlight, including the lucky bamboo. However, there are two types of sunlight, and it is absolutely necessary to know which kind your plant needs to survive in a healthy way. Therefore, let’s have a look at what kind of sunlight the lucky bamboo tolerates.

  In this case, the lucky bamboo can only tolerate indirect sunlight, also known as shade. It is important to keep your lucky bamboo and other plantlets that can only survive in indirect sunlight in the right sunlight, no matter where it is placed, as they can be both indoor and outdoor plants. Exposure to direct sunlight can heavily damage your plant, and most of the time, the damage that is done is irreversible and permanent. 

  However, this plant can be placed in a very bright space, but it is important to be kept out of direct sunlight as it can cause sear, sunburns. The right sun exposure can increase the logentivity of the lucky bamboo plant.

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