Does the lucky bamboo flower? Interesting facts regarding the lucky bamboo

  Dracaena sanderiana, by their scientific name also commonly known as the lucky bamboo. Because of its scientific name “Dracaena,” we can already tell that the lucky bamboo is in fact, not a bamboo at all, it just gives the impression of one. 

  From a more symbolist point of view, bamboos are considered to be a symbol of auspiciousness and fortune. It is believed to bring good luck, fortune and wealth to the owner if kept indoors ( offices and houses ). This cultural belief is widely spread and still practised to this day.

  However, Dracaena sanderiana is not a bamboo, it is thought to be one due to its commonly spread name, which was given to it thanks to its aesthetical likeness to bamboo. The lucky bamboo is called lucky due to its similar appearance to bamboo as well. This similarity established this plantlet as an equivalent to the symbol of fortune, the bamboo. Accordingly, its common name is lucky bamboo.

  Regardless of its identity confusion, even though this plantlet is considered to be a perfect fit for beginners, it still is necessary to provide proper care for maintaining its health and gorgeous looks.

The lucky bamboo can be also grown in a container with just water beside the usual soil mix and sand, which makes it very easy to maintain and it is also very beautiful to look at.

  Now that we have some information gathered about the lucky bamboo, we shall go back to our question. Does the lucky bamboo flower?

So, does the lucky bamboo flower?

  Yes! The lucky bamboo does flower. Besides its constant and successful attempt to fool people with its identity, the lucky bamboo plantlet will also surprise you with its ability to flower.

  However, despite its ability to grow flowers, the lucky bamboo will only flower in its natural habitat. This is totally normal, as many flowering plants only flower in their natural habitat or similar habitats that successfully replicate the exact same conditions as their natural ones. Therefore, if kept indoors, the lucky bamboo will most likely not grow flowers, but make an amazing decorative plant either way.

  Therefore, if you are looking to get a lucky bamboo as a flowering plant for indoors, sadly it is not a good choice. But surely its gorgeous looks will make up for that. The lucky bamboo is truly a stunning decorative plantlet.

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