Do spider plants like small pots? Best way to repot your spider plant.

  The spider plant is classified as being a plantlet that is perfectly suited for beginners. This plant is one of the most acceptable and adaptable houseplants, due to its ability to indulge in a wide variety of negative conditions.

  Spider plants are amazing as decorative plants, their long, lovely arching, hanging leaves, are always making a graceful statement anyplace in your house or office. However, even with their high endurance to certain environmental conditions, there are still some things that have to be done correctly to ensure your plants’ survival and sustain its gorgeous spider-like look.

  Later in the article we will discuss the possibility for spider plants to be able to be planted in small-sized pots. We will also discuss when it is best to repot your spider plant, which type of pot you should use, and which is the perfect time of the year for your plant to be repotted. Without any further ado, do spider plants like small pots?

So, do spider plants like small pots?

  To be straightforward with the answer, yes! Spider plants do like small pots. However, the answer can vary based on the size of your plant. 

  When it comes to the roots of the spider plant, you will find out that they prefer to be pot-bound, meaning that they prefer to have their roots formed in a dense pattern, in a tangled mass that completely encircles the interior of the pot, leaving no more space for further growth. Therefore, spider plants grow best when they are little pot-bound,  when you are repotting them, it is very important to go up with only one pot size, 2 inches or 5 centimeters in diameter.

  The period of the year when repotting a spider plant is important and has to be mentioned as well. When repotting it, make sure to not do it during fall or winter, these periods have to be avoided. Best period of the year to repot your spider plant is spring, due to “growth sprout” being active.

  It is self-explanatory that you can absolutely not repot your spider plant in a container that is one or more sizes smaller than the one that they have already outgrown. Spider plants do like small pots, but only when they are small plants too, when they grow too big for the current pot size, they have to be repotted in a size larger.
When you choose you replant your spider plant, make sure to use a pot that has drainage holes. If you plant your spider plantlet in a pot without drainage holes, overwatering can occur, putting a higher risk of root mold on the table.

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