Do cheese plants like direct sunlight? The most suitable type of lighting

    By its scientific name, the Monstera deliciosa or more commonly known as the cheese plant/ split-leaf philodendron, is a gorgeous species of indoor, flowering plantlets. 

  This plant is prevalent along plantlet enthusiasts. However, it is not a plant that everyone can easily and successfully care for. Depending on the source you are getting your information from, it tells us that arguably, this tropical plant is difficult to grow and maintain, being classified as advanced, and meaning that experience with plants is necessary to successfully take care of this species.

 If not cared for properly, its iconic leaves that are supposed to have multiple holes, will grow without any, ultimately losing their lushness and flourishing. This usually occurs in consequence to overexposure or underexposure to sunlight.

So, do cheese plants like direct sunlight?

  To answer the question early in the article, no. Even though the cheese plants can handle a variety of lighting types, direct sunlight is not one of them.

  Placing your cheese plants in direct sunlight, and based on the timeframe spent in direct sunlight, it can either cause your new-coming leaves to grow without holes or cause your cheese plantlet to sear, heavily damaging your plants’ leaves or even terminate them. 

  Thus, we shall see what type of lighting is best suitable for the cheese plant, so you can offer it the proper care it deserves.

What type of lighting is best fitted for the cheese plant?

  As we mentioned earlier, the cheese plant can handle a variety of lighting types, however, there are specific ones that will offer the right conditions for your plantlet to thrive and develop its gorgeous hole pattern.

  The cheese plant is quite pretentious when it comes to lighting. It is true that it can easily survive in a wide range of types of sunlight, however, for its leaves to grow with the hole pattern, the cheese plant is supposed to be placed out of direct sunlight, in a spot where there is plenty of indirect sunlight without being touched by direct lighting.

In case your cheese plant grows new leaves without its unique pattern, and the plant is placed in indirect sunlight, the way you water it might also be at fault. And if that is not the case, you can always try and move your cheese plant to a brighter space that still has indirect sunlight.

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