Do cheese plants flower? Making your cheese plant to flower

  Cheese plants can be amazing decorating plants for your home. If cared for properly, they have a gorgeous pattern and glossy leaves that can easily bring uniqueness to any room. These plantlets usually look fantastic in a wide range of rooms, such as large rooms with high ceilings, hallways, offices basically anywhere their size can give an impression of a fuller room, without taking up too much space. 

  Due to their special pattern made out of holes, this plant is commonly known as the cheese plant or split-leaf philodendron, by their scientific name, the cheese plant is known as Monstera deliciosa. The cheese plant is native to tropical forests, it is generally widely grown in temperate areas as a decorative house plantlet.

  Arguably, this plantlet is considered to be difficult to grow, therefore, we are classifying it as advanced. Meaning that experience and knowledge of the science of growing plantlets is necessary and highly recommended to successfully grow and maintain cheese plants.

  However, besides their gorgeous pattern and glossy leaves, do cheese plants flower? 

So, do cheese plants flower?

  To give you a straight answer to this question, yes, cheese plants do flower, and not only. These beautiful plantlets, once they flower, will produce and display gorgeous fruits as well. 

  When its native tropical conditions are successfully replicated, regardless of its placement, the cheese plant will reward you with gorgeous flowers. However, most of the time, if grown indoors, the cheese plant will not flower. Cheese plants are usually flowering pretty easily in their natural habitat, but their habitat requires certain conditions that are extremely difficult to replicate indoors. Once bloomed, the cheese plant flowers are of a beautiful white, spathe type with a spadix in the middle of it.

  As mentioned earlier in the article, the cheese plant does not only flower, but produces fruits as well. After the full bloom of its flowers, the fruits will start being produced. The fruits of the cheese plant are aspectually similar in shape to the sweetcorn cone. When it comes to consuming them, you have to be extremely careful to only eat them when they are ready, otherwise, they will cause some unpleasant mouth irritation. However, when the fruit is ready to be eaten, it is said to be delicious, that being the reason and inspiration for its scientific name, Monstera deliciosa, Latin translation for delicious.

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