Can the lucky bamboo grow outdoors? Things you need to know before moving it outdoors

  The lucky bamboo is one of the most common decorative plants you will probably ever encounter. The fact that this plantlet is considered to be one of the easiest plants to take care of. Dracaena sanderiana, by its scientific name, is one plant that can tolerate high levels of irresponsibility and lack of attention, this is why it is also considered to be a perfect fit for beginners.

  When people are asking about growing lucky bamboo outdoors, what they are actually asking about, is the care that this plantlet needs in order to survive and thrive outdoors. Therefore, without any further ado, can the lucky bamboo grow outdoors?

So, can the lucky bamboo grow outdoors?

  To answer the question as early as possible in the article, yes, lucky bamboo can grow outdoors. However, whether or not the lucky bamboo can grow outdoors, will depend on a few factors that we will discuss in this article.

  As said earlier in the article, when people have questions regarding the lucky bamboo or other plants’ abilities to survive and thrive outdoors, what they are actually concerned with is how to care for them outdoors. Almost any plant can survive outdoors, however, there are certain conditions that the owner and the environment have to ensure before placing your plantlet outside.

  First thing first, research. Research on the plant you are willing to move/plant outdoors is very important and has to be done. In this article, we will discuss only the lucky bamboo, but the same generalistic steps apply to every other plantlet. The lucky bamboo is native to Central Africa, therefore, it is a tropical plant that will not survive outdoors during the cold season. 

  This is why it is important to research the plant you want to move/plant outdoors. In this case, based on your location, you might want to move your lucky bamboo outdoors during the summertime, and back indoors during the cold seasons, that is because the lucky bamboo will not do well if the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit/ 10 degrees Celsius. Therefore, the decision of moving your plantlet outdoors belongs to you, but always consider your location and what the plant can handle.

  One more thing that has to be known and researched is the type of sunlight the lucky bamboo can handle. This is one important piece of information that has to be known no matter where your plant is placed, indoors or outdoors. The lucky bamboo likes shade, indirect sunlight. Exposure to direct sunlight has to be completely avoided due to consequences, which would be sear, sunburns on the surface of your plant. Therefore, only expose your plantlet to indirect sunlight, indoors or outdoors, it is crucial to avoid any sun damage.

 Watering would be the last thing on the list. This plantlet should not be watered more than once a week, if placed outdoors, rainfall has to be considered too. Overwatering can cause the lucky bamboo roots to mold, slowing and surely terminating your plantlet. That is why it is always highly recommended to plant your lucky bamboo in a pot with drainage holes, no matter where is placed.

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