Can snake plants live in low light, and can they live indoors?

  By its older scientific name, Sansevieria trifasciata, and by its new scientific name, Dracaena trifasciata, also commonly called the snake plant is one more plant that can be added to our beginners’ list.

The snake plant, part of the Asparagus family, is a gorgeous succulent that perfectly fits in the homes or gardens of both experienced and inexperienced people that just started taking care of plants, on the strength of resistance and tolerance to negligence. Their long, architecturally beautiful leaves come in diverse shapes and colours, accompanied by unique patterns. Therefore, whether you are reading this article as a beginner or an experienced person who either takes care of plants as a relaxing hobby or for professional matters.

It is crucial to know which plants can survive in low-light or bright environments. Hence, without further ado, can snake plants live in low light, and can they live indoors?

So, can snake plants live indoors?

  As we do regularly, to release the answer to the question early, yes, snake plants can live indoors. In fact, these succulents can live both indoors and outdoors and with bare minimum requirements, which we will discuss later in the article.

Can snake plants live in low light?

  Absolutely! Snake plants can live in low-light environments, but it is to note down that the preferred type of sunlight is partial sunlight, a mix between the two extremes. Not too low, but not too bright either. However, based on their high endurance and the strength of tolerance to carelessness, these plants will live just fine in a dark corner of a room.

They can survive and develop properly under any circumstances, classifying them as diehard plants and a great fit for beginners. Lighting being one of the most simple things regarding the snake plants.

  When it comes to their placement in a certain environment, there is not much to worry about.

These succulent plants can not only easily survive in low-light habitats but bright ones too. The snake plants’ flexibility towards both direct and indirect sunlight allows them to be both indoors and outdoors. Therefore, you can place snake plants in a low-light bathroom as well as outside on your terrace or in your garden, but we shall see what other requirements this plant has when it comes to living in an indirect sunlight environment.

What other requirements does the snake plant have?

  When it comes to watering this succulent, it is very important to do it rarely.

By doing so, you prevent overwatering your snake plant. It is also crucial to check the soil and make sure that it is completely dry, if watered when moist, overwatering will occur which will result in the plants’ roots becoming rotten or unsound. The snake plant should be watered every two weeks, fortnightly, to avoid any risk. If the plant is potted it is necessary to have drainage holes, otherwise over watering will come about either way. The fact that it can survive even watered so rarely, makes snake plants to be of the beginners’ plants, very easy to take care of.