Can lilies affect asthma? Top 10 asthma-friendly plantlets

  By their scientific name, Lilium, they are gorgeous flowering plantlets, a genus of herbaceous plants that grow from bulbs. Their flowers are large, prominent and with a beautiful scent.

  Lilies, by their commonly known name, are plantlets that can grow both indoors and outdoors. Even though their elegant and stylish aesthetics insinuates that these beautiful flowering plants are difficult to grow, they are in fact, extremely easy to grow and maintain. Because of this, lily is classified as being a perfect match for beginners. Contrary to azaleas, lilies are not particular about the pH of their soil and they also grow in any type of sunlight besides direct sunlight.

  Now that we have a brief idea of what Lilium is, we shall focus on our famous question. Therefore, without any further ado, can lilies affect asthma?

So, can lilies affect asthma?

  To answer the question early in the article, yes lilies do affect asthma and that is because of the strong scent carried by the plant throughout the blooming season. But we shall have a closer look at what asthma is and how it affects it.

  Asthma is a lung condition, unfortunately, a highly common one. This condition causes occasional breathing difficulties. Asthma affects all kinds of people and ages, its early signs often show up during childhood, even though it can develop during adulthood as well. 

  Asthma is an incurable condition, however, it is simple to treat and keep under control. People that are usually affected by this condition are experiencing wheezing, feeling of a thigh chest, coughing, and breathlessness. All these symptoms can sometimes aggravate, this phenomenon is called an asthma attack.

Since this is a respiratory condition it is affected by fragrances such as perfumes or flower scents. Lilies are one of the flowering plantlets that hold a strong scent that affects asthma and can cause hyperventilation. Therefore, if you are suffering from this condition, it is to avoid owning a lily.

What plantlets do not affect asthma?

  Now that we know that the scent some of the flowers hold can trigger the symptoms caused by asthma, we shall see what plants are asthma-friendly.

  If you are a plant lover but suffer from asthma, there are multiple plants that you can own in your garden, workplace or household. 

  1. Succulents are one of the best plants to own as an asthma person due to their complete lack of scent, and to make this even better, succulents are also one of the best plantlets for air purification, such as snake plants, which purify air constantly, during both day and night.
  1. Next in line are orchids, extremely beautiful flowering plants that lack scent.
  2. Azaleas
  3. Dhalia
  4. Cactus
  5. Petunia
  6. Cheese plant
  7. Dragon tree
  8. Iris
  9. Begonia

These are just some of the plants that are asthma-friendly, offering a pleasant experience with plants for individuals suffering from asthma.

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