Can distilled water be used on snake plants? Reasons why is better than tap water

  Dracaena trifasciata is commonly known under multiple names such as snake plant, viper’s bowstring hemp, and St. George sword. Dracaena trifasciata is a plantlet that highly resembles the pattern of a snake. Thus, the snake plant is the most common name used for this gorgeous succulent.

  Snake plants are one of the easiest to take care of. Therefore, if you find yourself a beginner, this plantlet might suit you well.

However, even though this plant has a high endurance towards neglect, it still has requirements that are considered the bare minimum, necessary, and crucial to keep your snake plant alive. thriving. One of these requirements, the one that we will profoundly discuss in this article, is watering. And to be more specific, if it is possible for distilled water to be used on snake plants? We will also understand what distilled water is, how it is different from tap water and which one is better suited for watering your snake plant.

  Therefore, without further ado, can distilled water be used on snake plants? 

Can distilled water be used on snake plants?

  Yes! Distilled water can be used on snake plans. In fact, distilled water can be used to water any plants, and that is because of its lack of properties, such as minerals, and heavy metals, but also harming chemicals etc. However, just because it can be used to water your plants, does not mean you should, it really depends on the situation. Hence, to have a better understanding regarding why it is suitable for snake plantlets, and plantlets in general, we shall research and understand what distilled water is, and why it lacks properties.

What is distilled water?

 Distilled water is purified water. This kind of water is produced through boiling and turned into vapor form, then condensed back into liquid form in a separate canister. Through this process, all the minerals or heavy metals, and impurities that were not able to boil in the original water remain in the original boiling container. On account of this, distilled water can be considered dead water, or pure water.

Which one suits your snake plant better, distilled water or tap water?

  Well before we settle on an answer, we shall understand the main and most important difference between these two kinds of water. And that difference would be the presence of properties, and as enumerated earlier, minerals, heavy metals, and chemicals.

 We have already discussed distilled water, now let’s have a look at tap water. Tap water, based on your location, can have different chemicals, such as fluoride, chloramine or chlorine and many others that are used to purify it, this being aimed to raise its quality, and make it drinkable and safe. These, unfortunately, are harmful to your snake plant and other plantlets.

  However, when it comes to outdoor plantlets, including snake plants kept outdoors, tap water might not be as harmful to them as it is for indoor plantlets.

That is because the chemicals mentioned earlier are diluted by the rainwater, which is breaking down the harmful effect, but even so, if the water used for watering these plants always has chemicals, then these will build up into the soil, having the same effect as it has on the indoor plants, but over an amount of time.

  Therefore, in a direct comparison between these two kinds of water, snake plants that are watered with distilled water tend to thrive better than the ones that are watered with tap water. Snake plants that are watered with distilled water usually grow faster, with more leaves, healthier and stronger. Distilled water is not just suited for watering your snake plant, but recommended.

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