Can azaleas be planted outside during winter?

  Rhododendron as they are scientifically known, are stunning flowering plantlets that are used for both indoor and outdoor decoration. Azaleas, by their commonly known name, are one of the most challenging plantlets to grow and maintain due to the specific conditions that come from their natural habitat, being considered plants for advanced carers by multiple sources.

  These flowering plantlets are native to the forests of China and Thailand, stunning forests dappled with sunshine, protecting and creating the perfect environment for Rhododendron plants. We discussed in another article that the perfect recreated environment for azaleas stands in just a few things, that if done correctly, will ensure their long perennial lifetime.

  When it comes to lighting, azaleas do best in bright indirect sunlight or shade. They have to be protected, and shielded from direct sunlight, the reason for which they grow in the hearts of the forests. If exposed to direct sunlight, the searing of the leaves and flowers will occur, permanently damaging or even killing the stunning azalea.

  One more important requirement, that if it is completed the natural habitat of this plantlet will be one step closer to being replicated successfully, is ericaceous compost. This subject was discussed in more detail in one of our articles, therefore, I will not go into depth in this one. “Ericaceous compost” stands for soils that are low in pH, aka acidic soil. Azaleas are a big fan of acidic soils, in their natural habitat, the low pH of the soils comes from different natural composts made out of pine needles for example or peat etc, depending on the forest hosting this flowering plantlet.

So, can azaleas be planted outside during winter?

  Now that we learned more about azaleas and where they come from. Can they be planted outside during winter? 

  Yes! Azaleas can be planted outdoors during winter. This flowering plantlet is a tough one and can be left outside during wintertime. However, it is possible to not be the best idea to plant them outside in the middle of the winter, but during summer and be left there during the following seasons.
  Based on your location and the local temperature during winter, you can always make things a little more simple for your azalea, for example, you can make them a little bit more comfortable by adding a layer of mulch, a material, such as foliage that can be spread over the ground to protect the roots of the plant from any kind of temperature, hot or cold. This trick will also keep the soils moist which azaleas much adore.

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